Sunday, January 26, 2014

Long time, no post!

Today's post will be a bit of a ramble as I try to get back into the swing of blogging. (Okay, well, I never was exactly very consistent with this...) It's kind of like my mind is an old-fashioned, messy garden with a bunch of random thoughts that look like rabbits hiding everywhere. They're shy and hard to catch, and they keep breeding.

One thing I would like to start doing is going for a walk midmorning when I hit the wall and start having trouble sitting still. For reasons I will not describe yet in this post, that is not as easy as it sounds. The park is only a block away, so it by all rights should be easy, yet it is not.

Books about monsters are really attractive to me. I can't get enough of books like Lamplighter and Veiled Rose. If there are monsters in it, I usually like it, sometimes even if it's a little cheesy. Unless it's poorly written. I have trouble turning my internal editor off these days.

I've been struggling to get writing done lately because I really need a quiet environment. Where I am stuck right now it is often so noisy I can barely hear myself think, let alone distill some of those thoughts out into story. There aren't noise-canceling headphones good enough to fix it either. I NEED TO FINISH DIFFERENT SKY. *bangs head on desk*

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