Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Lana Del Rey

This is great writing music. I'm addicted I think. :)


I don't usually post unedited scraps

But here is one, anyway. I figure I'm more likely to write and post if I actively resist overthinking it. Which means forcing myself to post things that I know aren't perfect/very good. So...

Telepathy was fine for communicating secretly. Actually using it to enter others' minds was another story. Briallen would try to brace herself for what was coming, but it never worked. The experience overcame her mind every time. She would come out of it gasping, leaning against the wall for support, chills trickling down her skin. If there wasn't a wall, she would find herself on the floor. She tried to avoid using the skill if she couldn't go somewhere private, because it scared people. It scared her, too. It was exhilarating, sometimes, but mostly, it was just terrifying.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Long time, no post!

Today's post will be a bit of a ramble as I try to get back into the swing of blogging. (Okay, well, I never was exactly very consistent with this...) It's kind of like my mind is an old-fashioned, messy garden with a bunch of random thoughts that look like rabbits hiding everywhere. They're shy and hard to catch, and they keep breeding.

One thing I would like to start doing is going for a walk midmorning when I hit the wall and start having trouble sitting still. For reasons I will not describe yet in this post, that is not as easy as it sounds. The park is only a block away, so it by all rights should be easy, yet it is not.

Books about monsters are really attractive to me. I can't get enough of books like Lamplighter and Veiled Rose. If there are monsters in it, I usually like it, sometimes even if it's a little cheesy. Unless it's poorly written. I have trouble turning my internal editor off these days.

I've been struggling to get writing done lately because I really need a quiet environment. Where I am stuck right now it is often so noisy I can barely hear myself think, let alone distill some of those thoughts out into story. There aren't noise-canceling headphones good enough to fix it either. I NEED TO FINISH DIFFERENT SKY. *bangs head on desk*